Thursday, October 30, 2014

without a hitch

My nerves calmed down over the course of the day yesterday, as AV took over making sure all the arrangements were made for today's event. This morning the big boss arrived and was in a chipper mood at breakfast. So the nerves turned to butterflies. Everything this afternoon went about as well as it could have. Even my small speaking role, I surprised myself with how fluid and self-assured I sounded, to myself. Usually when I have to talk a lot in big meetings, my real-time perception is that I'm talking too fast, or that I sound like I don't know what I'm talking about. Not today. Maybe that means I came across like a complete fool, but I actually doubt it.

Also, I've said it before and I'll say it again: ICD is an incredible place to have an event. It's just beautiful.

After everything was over YF drove us all to get traditional soup called ugro (noodles, meatballs, potato and onion) and shashlik (grilled beef) with french fries, and he and MJ went off to meet with the Brits while AV and I ambled home.

Now I'm back in the hotel and ready to do all the work I couldn't this morning because the internet in the office was down. Yeehaw.

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