Friday, October 24, 2014

day 2 jet lag is the worst

Slept like a champ last night, thanks to my little friend diphenhydramine hydrochloride. Nine and a half hours of deep, deep sleep. I dreamed about buying rare books.

Today was productive, lots of meetings and some progress on various documents. We're going to be flying a bit by the seat of our pants next Monday and Tuesday but we've got a much firmer grip this evening than we did this morning. Being in-country is essential -- it's MUCH harder to make sure logistics are being taken care of over email. Instead of several days of back-and-forth emails and uncertainty about whether everyone is on the same page, you can have a thirty-minute conversation and all is fine.

I hit a wall about 4 PM, though, and I'm still hitting it 2.5 hours later: still feel awake but my brain is just moving so slowly. Going to the gym in a few minutes to keep myself awake and get the juices flowing and then I'm calling it a night. So much to do this weekend but it can wait until I'm compos mentis. 

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