Wednesday, May 07, 2014

found poetry

There's a guy on the forum where I log my workouts who is an aspiring sprinter. He is an odd and sometimes really frustrating person to interact with, not least because his grasp of English appears limited. For a while I thought he was a troll but now I just think he's young, a nonnative speaker, and preternaturally stubborn. But his analysis of each of his workouts can be a trip and a half. Here is a recent example, which is completely unedited except for the line breaks and title.

"Fast again," by seifullaah73 and LBSS (me)
It was a nice day
slight wind from north direction, which be
hitting me from the side and it was a good day as
I found
Something, which had caused to start feeling fast
during the runs compared to the last 2 weeks.
I found
out that I hadn't fully mastered the arm
Swing yet, not in the run but from start to driving out.
I found
that before I was swinging fast when I come out,
but this time I focussed on exploding out first then swinging arms
fast and I felt
fast again,
which was good.
"Grey Cloud," by seifullaah73 and LBSS
It was a sort of grey
cloud slightly sunny day
and very strong wind not
only was it strong enough
to be close to push someone
off their feet but it was a
head wind, when I was running
not only was I running
a slight hill I was running
into this strong wind getting
stronger the further I went
it reduced my speed to a jog
pace, that hard so it was
a good resisted training.

"Approach," by seifullaah73 and vag (another guy on the forum who's gotten into it)

It was again a nice hot sunny day,
I did my warm ups as usual,
my a skip and b skip are much better,
as the more you do it the more you can adjust to
what feels right.

After I finished resting before third rep,
people came in the pitch to play about,
so i was about to move to another side of the field,
until when i was about to start,

they started leaving,
I approach the normal place,
they stall a bit,
so I am thinking

are they leaving, until they leave,
they decided to use astroturf,
which people play football that go to the school nearby,
short pitch,
I rejoice

do the third rep and finish off with 2 reps,
which I do one after the other like a tempo,
120m run,
120m walk,
120m run.

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