Monday, May 12, 2014

a delicate truth

John LeCarre's latest, from last year. As I put it to C: JLC books are like candy to me. I'm happy to go months and months without but if you put a bag of Skittles next to me they're going down the hatch in short order. I read the book in basically two sittings: 60 pages on the MARC on Friday and 250 pages after getting home last night. Did not get enough sleep as a consequence. Moron.

It's not a great book, not on par with Tinker, Tailor or The Spy Who Came in From the Cold. Lots of people can craft page-turners. I don't even think it's that hard. Dan Brown can do it. But not many authors I've read can combine the potboiler, page-turner narrative with such strong writing and believable characters as JLC.

Plus it's a book after my own political heart, a lamentation about the privatization of warfare and intelligence gathering and the hideous consequences that has.

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