Monday, June 29, 2009

more links

Found this website somehow or other (I forget whose blog I started at). Science-Based Medicine is full of articles about, well, the name should be pretty self-explanatory. They seem to be pretty anti-chiropractic/acupuncture/homeopathy. This is interesting to me because I just had acupuncture for the first time on Saturday morning, with mixed results. Jack has positively loved it, Dad was kind of indifferent to it, and I fell somewhere in between. The guy was quite enthusiastic about some of the same things I've become interested in over the past year (i.e. kinesiology and nutrition), but I'm not really sure the acupuncture helped my toe or ankle in a significant way. The toe actually does feel a little better, even today, than it has for quite some time, but the ankle is back to its stiff self. Not to mention the fact that he "missed" with one of the needles in my toe and I don't know what he hit but it HURT like nobody's business. So the rest of the session was not actually particularly relaxing. Even though the other needles felt fine, I was tense before each one he put in my feet.

Also, Mom has been trying to get her office on the blog bandwagon for a long time now, and just made her first post. Go Mom! It's here. Much bloggier than I expected. Plus it's pretty positive-minded instead of being droll and sarcastic, which is un-bloggy but actually refreshing. There are enough masters of snark out there.

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