Friday, May 12, 2006

friday morning

these anagrams have been my project for the past hour. in that time, i've also answered the phone once and restocked the fridge with mini water bottles. ah, the joy of office work.

1) tone the bible, hubby
2) dang clear
3) woo! i wank with kin
4) moot bugs
5) male call
6) so, does she hold moons in her fate?
7) fuck! rain drains, see?
8) she-moles
9) oozy vulva, crome towel
10) they stow, harm a tour
11) all dour, halt, wonder

HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE bonus points to anyone who can figure out A) what those are anagrammed from and B) what they all have in common. a hint: figure out B first, and A will be easy. actually, huge bonus points to anyone who's actually reading this. leave a comment and i'll write you a little thank-you note. not that it really matters, i guess. i'd be writing this whether anyone was reading it or not, although i it is kind of fun to imagine that people will see it. whatever

in other news, i am very tired, despite going to bed before midnight for the first time in recent memory last night. oh well. also, i'm reading a really good book, called "founding brothers" by joseph j. ellis. more will probably come later. that's it for now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Luke--Mom directed me to your blog and I may never have time to eat or sleep again! So much to read! It's wonderful that we can all share in so many of your experiences this way! I will write more later, but just wanted to say hello--you can write me back at and I look forward to hearing from you and to keeping in contact...

