Thursday, May 11, 2006

Day One

well, i've finally started a blog. took until i was working at a desk with almost nothing to do for 8 hours for me to do it, and we'll see how long i keep it up, but here goes. i didn't even start looking at blogs until monday of this week, and you see how fast i got addicted? i'll include links to some of my favorites as soon as i figure out how to do that. i really don't have much else to say at the moment, so i'll include a poem that i really like and have memorized, because it's beautiful and hopeful and everything in the news is depressing. except that article about how women can tell whether a man would be a good father/long term partner by looking at a photograph of his face. amazing. okay, here's the poem.


a day so happy.
fog lifted early, i worked in the garden.
hummingbirds were stopping over honeysuckle flowers.
there was no thing on earth that i wanted to possess.
i knew no one worth my envying him.
whatever evil i had suffered, i forgot.
to think that i was once the same man did not embarrass me.
in my body i felt no pain.
when straightening up, i saw the blue sea and sails.

-czeslaw milosz

1 comment:

Mister Suss said...

hey now. i've got two posts. more are coming. don't hate.