Friday, November 02, 2018

dream - murder most foul

Recently I had a dream that I was with a couple of friends - not real people, just dream characters - and we were crashing at one guy's house. Then the main guy I was with poisoned someone to death and I was right there so he made me help him dismember the body and put it in bags. The other guy was asleep. I was terrified, but mostly of him, so I went along. He poured us gin and tonics at one point.

Later, I met up with M&D in the post office in downtown Takoma Park. I was freaking out but keeping my cool externally. We went to an outdoor concert in a wooded area. I had to poop, so I went off in search of a bathroom. There was none; the toilet was inside an old beat-up couch sitting out in the open but far enough from the stage area to be obscured by trees. Nothing to stop anyone just walking up to you, though. But the urge was bad, so I flipped back one of the cushions to reveal a toilet seat. Then I woke up.

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