Saturday, September 29, 2018

on prs and goal setting

One of my big goals for 2018 is to run under 20:00 in a 5k race. I've chosen to live in a country of 200 million people in which not a single formal, chip-timed public road race has been organized in the two years I've lived here. When I did two timed races in May, in the US and UK, I hit 20:40-20:50. A little research shows no races in any of the places SRB and I will be in southern Africa in November, and I won't be home again until Christmastime. So meeting my goal officially may have to wait until next year. Such is life.

However, that doesn't mean I can't keep pushing myself and training now. A good intermediate goal on the way to a sub-20 5k is a sub-12 3k. I read somewhere that a 3k time trial (i.e. a run done alone, rather than in live competition with others) is a good gauge of 5k race fitness. Well, this evening I warmed up and then ran 3 km in 11:48. Feeling very happy about that right now. Good capper to what was kind of a shitty week at work.

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