Wednesday, October 25, 2017


After hurting my shoulder in August I dropped off on the gymnastics training that I'd started in April. Managed to achieve a few things in the few months I dedicated to it, as SRB pointed out to me yesterday: decent cartwheels, inconsistent but achievable handstands, front levers. Failed at kip-ups, which I think is likely to stay that way because of shoulder mobility and a mental block. Eventually I'd like to get those, a standing backflip, and a human flag. 

In the meantime, though, she encouraged me to start running again. And to start getting up early to exercise. After easing very gradually into that, I've been seized by the desire for new goals. Running goals. So I've set my sights on the following:
  1. A sub-23:00 5k by end of 2017
  2. A sub-21:00 5k by spring 2018
  3. A sub-20:00 5k by summer 2018, which would beat my PR from the one season of cross country I ran in high school. Don't think I ever ran faster than 20:30.
  4. Completing the 10k at the Khunjerab Pass Marathon next July, which finishes at 15,400 feet.
SRB said she'd be down to join for the latter. Will require a few weekend trips for trekking/running at altitude next spring, so that we're not completely unprepared. When we drove up there last August even walking around made me slightly lightheaded.

It's also time to start taking shoulder rehab seriously, and then doing overhead work and pull ups and such again. Too fun, I miss it.