Tuesday, April 25, 2017

foreign aid

Cross-posted from Facebook:

Yes, global poverty is the product of a grossly unequal, exploitative, and violent economic and political system. Yes, foreign aid is itself a product and, to some extent (although to a lesser extent than is sometimes claimed IMHBABO), agent of that system. The world would be a better place if wealth were distributed more equally, and if governments were less corrupt and more able to deliver essential services (not least our own, for that matter). The struggle for systemic change is necessary and good.

But people need light to read by and to not be inhaling smoke all winter right now. I'm glad to work for a foreign-aid-supported organization, born in Pakistan more than 100 years ago, that brings people light that they and the environment around them can afford, that engineers community-owned water infrastructure that lasts for decades, that founds universities, that preserves traditional music-making. In short, an organization that tries (and succeeds!) to improve people's quality of life right now, and next year, and the year after that, and the decade after that.

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