Saturday, October 29, 2016


Last night went to one of my new acquaintances' apartment in the diplomatic enclave, where he'd put together some food and what turned out to be a pretty impressive amount of beer, wine, and vodka. Not particularly interested in getting super drunk, so I kept a lid on and just enjoyed meeting a bunch of new people, including a guy with whom I bonded over having first names we share with unfortunate historical figures -- in his case, the last Shah of Iran.

It seems I could party pretty hard in Islamabad if I wanted to. I don't, but for the time being I'm sticking with my resolution not to turn down social invitations. My commitment to that is such that in a minute, I'm going tear myself away from the UM-MSU game and head to a Halloween party. Only managed a pretty lame makeshift costume: a white t-shirt on which I've written "Error 404: costume not found." Oh well, better than nothing. Plus I ruined a shirt to make it, which counts for something.

Go Blue.

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