Friday, August 17, 2012

the cave

Finished Jose Saramago's The Cave last night. It was difficult to read, although to be fair that's partly because I read mostly before falling asleep and that doesn't jibe well with a book that barely breaks up sentences, let alone paragraphs. When I had time to plow through large chunks at once it sailed along.

It was ultimately unsatisfyingly (if quite consciously on Saramago's part) blunt and heavy-handed -- the cave is such a classic allegory and in the end he absolutely beats you over the head with it, as he does with all the main metaphors -- but I'm glad I fought my way through it. The characters are deep and beautifully drawn, especially the dog, if you can believe that, and there is something fulfilling about finishing a book that's rich but that you don't especially like while you're reading it.

Actually, the more I think about it the more I'm glad I read it and the more positive things I find to think about. I will probably remember it pretty well, which says something. Anyway, on to the beach and therefore on to something(s) lighter.

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