Wednesday, October 12, 2011

al jazeera english

A perk of living in DC is that I can watch Al Jazeera here. It's a crime (seriously, there has to be some kind of criminal conspiracy) that it's not more widely available in the US.

Want coverage of things going on outside the US media narrative? Sure, here's a report on the release of political prisoners in Burma with a nuanced examination of the effects of sanctions on Burma's politics and economy. Want critique of the media? Oh, well, you could watch this piece on the recent alleged plot by Iran to assassinate the Saudi ambassador to the US and the gross inadequacy of reporting on mainstream channels here. Want honest debate by people who know what they're talking about? Here are a few people who have spent their whole lives studying economics trying to get at what went wrong.

Want a news and commentary channel with something approaching a liberal bent as opposed to run-of-the-mill lap-doggery?

Want a news channel with no ads?

Down with CNN, down with Fox News, down with MSNBC. Up with AJE.

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