Monday, August 29, 2011

que horas son en mozambique?

Well, right now son las 10:20 PM. Just got back from dinner at the outrageously (repeat: outrageously) overpriced buffet restaurant in the hotel here and I'm Skyping with Caryn. The flight from DC to Johannesburg via Dakar (no disembarkation, we just sat there for an hour or so) was long but smooth. I slept in a few chunks, thanks in part to my new friend Ambien and also in part to the fact that the flight wasn't near full, so I had at least two seats to myself the whole time. Somehow the trip felt shorter than going to Dubai, maybe just because it didn't feel like it could possibly have been one continuous stretch. I watched "The Hangover" early on, but that feels like days ago. Also, "Michael Clayton." Such a good movie.

Anyway, the Polana Serena, where I'm booked for the next four nights, is elegant in a way the Islamabad and Kabul Serenas aren't. The building is about 90 years old, for one thing, and built on a more human scale than those two. Beautiful furniture and decor, of course. Less ostentatious and I didn't have to fight to carry my own blanking bags up the stairs after I checked in.

I didn't check my work email but once at the beach but I just found out the workshop doesn't start until Wednesday, so I'll have tomorrow to catch up and hopefully see some of Maputo. Weather is supposed to be great -- 80-85 and sunny -- and it'd be nice to take advantage of being in a foreign land where an expat can actually walk around. Yeah, that's worth mentioning: This is my first night traveling overseas for AKF where there was no guard screening visitors at the hotel/guest house. No wall.

With that, I'm getting a bit tired and need to shower. Tomorrow I'll need to see about getting a plug adapter because the hotel doesn't have one that converts to US-style plugs. Wack.

More tomorrow

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