Thursday, October 25, 2007

the revolutionary guard is a "state sponsor of terrorism"

Here's the Times article about it. Gee, just like our military is, however inadvertently, sponsoring the PKK in Northern Iraq. Only difference is, the PKK has actually INVADED AND KILLED THE TROOPS OF ANOTHER COUNTRY. The Revolutionary Guard is horrible and probably responsible for a lot of really bad shit. But the PKK overtly attacked one of our major regional allies, Turkey, without whose help any future withdrawal from Iraq will by much, much harder.

The Bush foreign policy gets more tortured and hypocritical every day. What's perhaps most unbelievable is that I'm not even the least bit surprised by this potentially catastrophic turn of events. Just another day for Bushco. Madame Speaker, I know you said you wouldn't impeach Bush. But you know what? HE AND HIS ARE DESTROYING OUR COUNTRY AND EVERYTHING WE STAND FOR. They are war criminals, domestic felons and usurpers of the Constitution. If that's not enough to get impeachment hearings going, I don't know what is. Oh, right, the right wing noise machine is enough. Damn, wish we had our own army of horribly dishonest demagogues ruling the airwaves and editorial pages. That'd be nice. Related note: The top three opinions on wapo online today are by Broder, Novak and Will. That they even pretend to be fair there anymore is distressing. And that anyone accuses the Post of being left-leaning is simultaneously laughable and sneerable. Sidney Blumenthal's piece in Salon this week is about media complicity; I couldn't even open it because I'm angry enough as it is.

On a lighter note, I'm loving fascism class more and more. It's really nice to be in an interesting and edifying setting where I feel like I really get the connections and implications and nuances of what we're learning about. Now it's time for me to go home and change before the MagnUM track workout at 7. Oh, one more thing. I really, really love Los Fabulosos Cadillacs' cover of "Revolution Rock," by the Clash. So here's a video of half the song (couldn't find a complete one).

Todo el mundo moven los pies, ya bailan hasta morir!
[Everybody move your feet, now dance until you die]
Esta música causa sensación, este ritmo toca la nación!
[This music causes feeling, this rhythm touches the nation]
Llama a viejo, llama a tu vieja!
[Call your papa, call your mama]
Todo todo todo va a estar bien!
[Everything's gonna be all right]
Escuchálo, no lo ignores, todo va a estar bien!
[Listen to it, don't ignore it, everything's gonna be all right]

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